Updated Coastal Ecological USA data
Announcement: Version 2 of the Coastal Ecological Unusually Sensitive
Area (Coastal Eco USA) GIS data is now available
for download. The new dataset reflects changes NOAA made to their Sea Level Rise Viewer data based on updated digital
elevation models since publication of our original dataset (their 0SLR data subset comprises a portion of the Coastal
Eco USA dataset). A list of their changes can be viewed at https://coast.noaa.gov/slr/. This updated Coastal Eco USA
data will be published on NPMS web map viewers by September 2024.
Information Collection (OMB Control No. 2137-0596) Phase 0 implemented
Announcement: NPMS website and documentation updated to reflect Phase 0 changes
to data submittal requirements. OSAVE is available
for CY2023 reporting, including updates to reflect NPMS data submittal requirements.
In summary, Phase 0 implements
- Abandoned pipeline facilities are required.
- Breakout tank submittals are required.
- Pipeline diameter attributes are required (reported in Nominal Pipe Size, NPS).
Please refer to the January 2024 NPMS Operator
Standards manual for details on submissions
and required attribute information.
The Future NPMS Attribute Standards and Revision Summary
document contains information about remaining collection phases.
NPMS implements Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)
Announcement: PIMMA, OSAVE, and PHMSA’s internal NPMS applications are
now enabled with MFA login methods.
MFA requires more than one distinct authentication factor for successful
authentication (e.g., not only a password).
Most users will follow instructions to use an MFA solution called LOGIN.GOV. DOT PIV card holders will use the
MyAccess MFA solution mandated by DOT. You can find more information
about using MFA to access most NPMS applications
in our FAQ. The NPMS Public Map Viewer is still
available to the general public.
Note: On December 29, 2023, all NPMS account holders will be required to
use an MFA login method.
The username and password option will no longer be available.
OSAVE Submission Tools for LNG Plant and Breakout Tank Data Released
The Operator Submission And Validation Environment (OSAVE) tool has added workflows to
facilitate the annual NPMS LNG plant and breakout tank data submissions. For
these two submission types, OSAVE replaces the former digital submission
method via the NPMS Submission FTP Upload Tool. OSAVE requires a PIMMA
login. If you do not already have a PIMMA login, please submit a request
through the online application. For
details regarding OSAVE, please refer to the NPMS Operator Submission
Supplemental Instructions and the OSAVE User Guide. For questions or
concerns, please contact NPMS staff at npms@dot.gov.
Updated Population HCA Data
Updated High Population Area (HPA) and Other Populated Area (OPA) GIS data
is now available to download and for viewing on a
pipeline map in PIMMA or the NPMS Public Map Viewer.
Published NPMS Pipeline Attribute Data Dictionary
The NPMS Pipeline Attribute Data Dictionary document describes the pipeline
attribute data available in both PIMMA and the Public Map Viewer.
The NPMS Pipeline Attribute Data Dictionary file is available for download
from each user group
page, as well as on pages about PIMMA, the Public Map Viewer and GIS
pipeline data requests.
Update to Print Map PDF Basemap in PIMMA and Public Viewer
To remediate ongoing issues with generating the Print Map PDF file in PIMMA and the
NPMS Public Map Viewer, the basemap reflected in the PDF has been
updated. The map view will continue to display Map and Satellite basemaps
from Google. Within the Print Map PDF file, the Map basemap will reflect
Open Street Map and the Satellite basemap will reflect ESRI World Imagery.
Updated NPMS Attribute Standards and Revision Summary
The Updated NPMS Attribute Standards and Revision
Summary to accompany the 60-day notice published in the Federal
Register on 3/11/2022 is now available on the Pipeline Operator page.
New Coastal Ecological USA data and updates about other HCA data
New Coastal Ecological
Unusually Sensitive Area (Coastal Eco USA) GIS data is now available
for download. PHMSA is no longer distributing a separate copy of the Great
Lakes USA Data because that data is included as part of this Coastal Eco USA
Data download. PHMSA also added information about other HCA data updates on
individual HCA data download pages.
Tribal Government Applications and Map Layer
New Tribal Government applications for PIMMA
applicants and GIS Data Requests, and Tribal Lands are
now viewable on a pipeline map in PIMMA or the
NPMS Public Map Viewer.
USA Data Updates for Hazardous Liquid Pipeline Operators.
Instructions are now available for requesting updated Drinking Water and
Ecological USA data from the NPMS. Data is still only available to
applicable hazardous liquid pipeline operators. Please see the appropriate
USA Data page from the Pipeline Operator section of the NPMS website for
request procedures.
Offshore Pipelines Available on the Public Map Viewer
Offshore gas transmission and hazardous liquid pipeline maps are now
available on the NPMS Public Map Viewer. In addition to counties, users can
now select federal or state water areas to explore, query, or print pipeline
maps. User can also gather contact information for offshore pipeline
Commercially Navigable Waterway Data Updated
Version 5 of the Commercially Navigable Waterway (CNW) data is now available
for download from the CNW Data Page. This information is reviewed and
updated as needed every 2 years.
Great Lakes USA Data
New Great Lakes Unusually Sensitive Area (USA) GIS data is now available for
download. You can also view the Great Lakes USA data on a pipeline map in
PIMMA or the
NPMS Public Map Viewer.
High Population Area and Other Population Area Data Updated
New High Population Area (HPA) and Other Population Area (OPA) datasets are
now available for download from the Population Data page.
2018 Operator Webinar Presentation Now Available
A webinar presentation is now available at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sZjXWA8oNio&feature=youtu.be.
This webinar is for gas transmission and hazardous liquid pipeline
operators who are required to make annual submissions to the National
Pipeline Mapping System (per 49 CFR 191.29 or 49 CFR 195.61).
It contains updated information about the NPMS that operators may wish
to review before making their submissions.
The webinar has four chapters. If you wish to listen to certain
chapters, the timestamp for the chapter is listed on the Pipeline
Operator page (PipelineOperator.aspx).
Please contact NPMS staff at npms@dot.gov with any questions.
PIMMA iPhone App
PHMSA has released an iPhone app for PIMMA (Pipeline Information
Management Mapping Application). To download it, search for “pipeline
information” on the App Store. You will need your NPMS Account to use
the app. If you do not have a NPMS Account,
click here to apply.
Public Viewer and OSAVE Instructional Videos
PHMSA has developed instructional videos for the new Public Viewer
interface as well as OSAVE (Operator Submission And Validation
Environment). The OSAVE videos address specific functions in OSAVE. You
may view the videos at the links below.
Public Viewer Web Address Updated
To improve performance of the Public Viewer during times of high usage,
the application has been moved to a new website address -
. Visitors to the original website address will be automatically
re-routed to the new address.
OSAVE Submission Tool Released
The Operator
Submission And Validation Environment (OSAVE) tool has been
released for use by pipeline operators.
OSAVE is a one-stop shop for operators to review existing pipeline, LNG
plant and breakout tank data in a map viewer; review and update
pipeline-related contact information; and fulfill the yearly pipeline
submission requirement by submitting a notification of no changes or
removal to NPMS staff, by marking requested edits via a map viewer, or
by uploading a data submission.
For pipeline submissions OSAVE replaces the former method of FTP’ing and
emailing NPMS staff. OSAVE also replaces the NPMS Data Reviewer map
viewer. OSAVE requires a PIMMA login. If you do not already have a PIMMA
login, please submit a request
through the online application.
For details regarding OSAVE, please refer
to the NPMS Operator Submission Supplemental
Instructions and the OSAVE User Guide.
For questions or concerns, please contact NPMS staff at npms@dot.gov.
Public Viewer Updated
The Public
Viewer was updated to reflect a new viewer layout and added
functionality. This viewer now mimics the recently updated PIMMA map
viewer. Ease of use related changes include a larger map window and
incremental zooming. Pipelines for the selected county may now be
queried based on several criteria and the results displayed as a new map
layer in the viewer. Additionally, pipeline incidents (for gas
transmission pipelines) and incidents (for hazardous liquid pipelines)
may now be viewed and identified for the entire nation. For instructions
on how to use the viewer, please visit the information located under the
Help menu. For questions or concerns, please contact NPMS staff
at npms@dot.gov.
PIMMA Map Viewer Updated
The Pipeline
Information Management Mapping Application (PIMMA) map viewer
was updated to improve usability and add functionality. The viewer now
has a new layout and a larger map viewer. Users are now able to query
pipelines based on a series of criteria; the results are saved as a new
interactive layer in the Layer List. Users are now able to view and
identify pipeline incidents (related to gas transmission pipelines) and
accidents (related to hazardous liquid pipelines) for their
jurisdiction. Additionally, users are able to query and identify
historic pipeline information for their jurisdiction. For instructions
on how to use the viewer, please visit the information located under the
Help menu. For questions or concerns, please contact NPMS staff at
NPMS FTP Upload Tool Updated
The NPMS FTP Upload Tool has been moved to a new server and, as a
result, the website address has changed.
The NPMS FTP Upload Tool is now located at
. Please contact npms@dot.gov if you have an questions or concerns.
Pipeline Safety: Miscellaneous Changes to Pipeline Safety Regulations
The Pipeline
Safety: Miscellaneous Changes to Pipeline Safety Regulations
becomes effective October 1, 2015. This rule requires gas transmission
and LNG plant operators to make their submission to the NPMS by March 15
every year. The rule requires hazardous liquid operators to make their
submission to the NPMS by June 15 every year. Section 191.29 of the
regulations manual pertains to gas transmission and LNG plant operators;
Section 195.61 of the regulations manual pertains to the hazardous
liquid operators. This rule supersedes the
Safety Improvement Act of 2002.
New NPMS Website Launches
The NPMS website has been redesigned for a better user experience.
The site has been reorganized and minor changes have been made to
enhance the content. Please contact
npms@dot.gov if you have any questions
or are experiencing any issues.
Information Collection Proposed Changes
Information Collection 2137-0596 was published on July 30, 2014 (https://www.federalregister.gov/articles/2014/07/30/2014-17865/pipeline-safety-request-for-revision-of-a-previously-approved-information-collection-national).
It proposes substantial changes to the standards for NPMS submissions.
Operators are welcome to comment on the Information Collection through
the channels indicated in the document. The draft NPMS Operator
Standards Manual, which reflects the changes in the Information
Collection, can be found at the following link:
The accompanying draft linear reference-based file geodatabase template
can be found at the following link: Draft_OperStandards_FGDB_Template.zip.
Creation of the Operator Submission Supplemental Instructions
Operator Submission Supplemental Instructions was written to
assist the operator in preparing NPMS submissions while avoiding common
mistakes that can delay submission processing.
It includes expanded definitions of terms and submission elements,
clarification on requirements, and other notes that NPMS staff hope will
make the process of preparing a submission more efficient and
The Operator Submission Supplemental Instructions may be viewed via a
web browser or saved as a PDF file to your local computer.
Functionality Updates to PIMMA
Several changes have been made to PIMMA to enhance and ease the
user’s experience. The changes include:
- The options that highlight and zoom the map view to a particular
geographic area (e.g., state, county, zipcode,
latitude/longitude, street address) have been moved to a new
button on the toolbar called Zoom To. This button is located
next to the Zoom to Previous Extent button and looks like a
magnifying glass over a polygon. The options that zoom or
highlight particular pipelines, breakout tanks, or LNG plants
remain under the View Pipelines By drop-down list.
- The user now has the ability to highlight on the map both a Zoom
To item and a View Pipelines By item. For instance you can now
have a highlighted pipeline and a latitude/longitude star shown
on the map.
- To accommodate the enhancement of having multiple types of
highlights on the screen, the Clear button has been changed to
control what highlight the user would like to have cleared. You
now have the option to clear just the View Pipelines By
highlight, just the Zoom To highlight or have all the graphics
- In the Map Results window for the Identify and Select with Drag
Box tools, on the Hazardous Liquid Pipelines and Gas
Transmission Pipelines tabs, the user now has the ability to
click on a row and have the corresponding feature in the map
highlight for easier identification. Please note that since this
highlight is tied to the Map Results window, when you close that
window, the highlight disappears.
- To aid in the creation of distributable products, the ability to
add graphics to the map window has been added to the Create a
Printable Map dialog. The user now has the ability to add text,
squares and stars to the map. These graphics are retained in the
PIMMA session until they are removed through the Create a
Printable Map dialog or the Clear All option on the Clear
button. These graphics will appear on the Create a Printable Map
Data requests should now be submitted to NPMS Staff via a new online
Data requests should now be submitted to NPMS Staff via a new online
form (DataRequestForm.aspx).
The online form replaces the previous method of submitting an email
directly to NPMS Staff.
The form collects contact information from the requestor and, in the
case of pipeline operator and local government
requestors, the desired data type (pipelines, Liquefied Natural Gas
breakout tanks) and data format (shapefile or personal geodatabase).
The requested data is now sent to the requestor via FTP; the requestor
will receive an email from NPMS Staff when the
data is available for download.
New Look for NPMS Submission FTP Upload Tool
The NPMS Submission FTP Upload Tool (
) has been updated with a new look. The tool’s interface now
includes more details on how to submit data. The recent update also
includes the ability to submit up to 6 files at a time.
Demonstration video for NPMS Public Map Viewer Released
A video demonstrating how to use the NPMS Public Map Viewer is now
available on the NPMS website. This 8-minute, YouTube video is
accessible via the yellow PUBLIC MAP VIEWER DEMO button on the homepage.
Downloadable Populated Area Data Updated
The High Population Areas and Other Populated Areas GIS data sets on the
NPMS website have been updated to reflect the 2010 Census.
This data may be downloaded from PopulationData.aspx.
Details about the data originally obtained from the U.S. Census Bureau
and edits NPMS staff performed may be found in the Read Me link and in
metadata included in the downloadable zip file.
Release of Updated NPMS Operator Standards & Making a Submission
Page Content
In order to clarify the “who, what and when” questions
related to the NPMS data submission process, the NPMS Operator Standards
and the content of the Making a
Submission website page have been updated. Please refer to the
first page of the NPMS Operator Standard document for a summarized list
of changes. Among the changes is an expanded description of how to
notify NPMS staff of no changes to your NPMS data; a template for
providing information to NPMS staff regarding abandoned lines which are
offshore or cross a commercially navigable waterway; changes and
additions to the content collected in the submission cover/transmittal
letter; updated information about the geospatial submission requirement,
including the acceptance of Esri geodatabases, a blank template for Esri
shapefile and personal geodatabase submissions, and formatting changes
related to the text/ASCII coordinate option. The content of the Making a
Submission page was revamped to include more information about the
submission process and to act as a quick reference guide for pipeline
New Release of Revised Review Tools
The NPMS Data
Reviewer tool replaces the “Update Your Submission Online Tool.”
The purpose of the tool is to permit
pipeline operators to review the data in the NPMS associated with their
OPID. The operator uses his/her PIMMA username
and password to login. After reviewing the data, the operator may alert
NPMS staff that a new submission is needed or that there are no changes
to the data this year.
Please see the login page and the user guide for full instructions on
using the Data Reviewer.
Submission Reviewer tool replaces checkplots, which allowed an
operator to review a new submission before it becomes a permanent part
of the NPMS dataset.
The operator will be notified by NPMS staff when they have a submission
available for review in the Submission Reviewer application. The
operator will be sent a
temporary username and password and the date on which the review period
will expire. Both the current submission’s data and the previous
submission’s data will be visible.
If there are issues with the current submission, the operator should
contact NPMS staff. If the current submission is accurate, no action is
Please see the login page and user guide for full instructions on using
the Submission Reviewer.
New Release of PIMMA and the Public Map Viewer
In September 2010, NPMS staff launched new versions of PIMMA and the
NPMS Public Map Viewer.
These applications now contain improved background layers and query
interfaces, and a more
user-friendly layout. Please consult the revised Help manual for more
details. When logging
in to the new applications, please click the “Compatibility View” button
if you are using Internet
Explorer 8. All users will need to maximize their browser window in
order to view the map window
properly. If you experience issues with the new application, please
consult the FAQ section of the
Help manual before contacting NPMS staff.
Update to NPMS Operator Standards
A new version of the NPMS Operator Standards has been released. Section
2 General Requirements has been expanded to explain in more detail the
types of pipelines
that are required to be included in NPMS submissions. The Standards
manual can be found at
Update to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
The FAQ page has been updated. Go to FAQ.aspx to
view the new FAQs .
Update to NPMS Metadata / Attribute Builder Software
A new version, 4.3, of the NPMS Metadata/Attribute Builder has been
released. Please use this version of the Builder for all future NPMS
as it contains the latest attribute lists. The Builder can be downloaded
at MetadataAttributeBuilder.aspx.
Update to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
The FAQ page has been updated. Go to FAQ.aspx to
view the new FAQs .
Update to NPMS Submission Method
Due to changes in our email system, we are no longer able to accept NPMS
zipfile submissions
to the npms@dot.gov email address.
Please submit all zipfiles via the NPMS Submission FTP Upload website
page (
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the National
Repository at npms@dot.gov or 703-317-6294.
Aligning NPMS Submission Due Dates with Annual Report Due Dates
In 2009, operators were asked to align their NPMS submission due dates
with Annual Report due dates
(March 15 for gas pipelines and June 15 for liquid pipelines), and to
submit their data reflecting their assets on 12/31/08.
Aligning NPMS submissions with Annual Reports allows PHMSA to gather
more accurate statistics about the nation’s pipeline system.
The majority of operators have followed this request. PHMSA urges
operators to continue to follow this guidance in 2010 and beyond.
Of course, 2010 submissions should reflect assets as of 12/31/09. We
urge operators to submit their data before the March 15/ June 15
deadlines if at all possible.
Updates to the NPMS Operator Standards
The NPMS dataset is undergoing an internal conversion in order to
simplify submission processing and to enable integration with other
PHMSA datasets. Your submission format will not change, but two new
codes have been introduced in the “Revision Code” (REVIS_CD) field.
Please download the new metadata/attribute software
before making your next submission. These codes are pertinent to
operators who are submitting newly constructed pipe segments or pipe
segments which are new to PHMSA’s jurisdiction (for example, pipe
segments whose pressure has been upgraded to the extent that the pipe is
now under PHMSA’s jurisdiction). In summary, these codes must be used
for pipe which has not been submitted to the NPMS before by any
If you have bought an existing pipeline system that was already under
PHMSA’s jurisdiction, you do not need to use these codes.
· Newly constructed pipe should be tagged with the revision code “C”·
Pipe that is new to PHMSA’s jurisdiction should be tagged with the
revision code ”J”
The commodity choices have also changed since the last release of the
metadata/attribute software. Please see the NPMS standards manual (Operator_Standards.pdf)
for details on the commodity codes and the new revision codes.
If you have any questions regarding these changes, please contact us at
or 703-317-6294.
Hazardous Liquid Low Stress Lines Final Rule
On June 3, 2008, PHMSA published a final rule titled "Pipeline Safety:
Protecting Unusually Sensitive Areas from Rural Onshore Hazardous Liquid
Gathering Lines and Low-Stress Lines" which impacts hazardous liquid
NPMS submissions. As a result of this rule, hazardous liquid pipelines
that have a nominal diameter of greater than 8.625 inches and which
operate at 20% or less of SMYS are now part of PHMSA's jurisdiction.
Therefore, these lines must be included in hazardous liquid operators'
NPMS submissions. Gas operators are not affected by this rule. Please
contact Amy.Nelson@dot.gov
if you have further questions.
New Release of NPMS Operator Standards
A new version of the NPMS Operator Standards has been released
This release
includes significant changes to the pipeline and LNG plant attributes
(section 3) and
required metadata (section 6). Additionally, operators must include a
transmittal letter
with their submission (section 2). Starting December 15, 2008, all NPMS
must adhere to the new standards. The new version of the NPMS Operator
also includes major changes to the optional break-out tanks (section 7).
In addition to the
break-out tank-related attributes being updated, operators may now
submit this data is
various GIS formats. If you have any questions regarding the updated
NPMS Operator Standards
software, please contact NPMS National Repository staff at npms@dot.gov
or 703-317-6294.
NPMS Metadata/Attribute Builder Software
To assist operators with creating the metadata, pipeline attributes, and
LNG plant attributes, the NPMS Metadata/Attribute Builder software was
This software replaces the NPMS Attribute Template software and the NPMS
Metadata Template software but is similar to it in look and feel. The
new version of the software is
much shorter than the old version and was designed to save you time. You
will need to use this new version when making your next submission as
NPMS staff will no
longer accept metadata/attributes prepared with previous versions of the
software. You may download this new software from the NPMS website at
Software. The NPMS Operator Standards contains details regarding
software usage
and installation. If you have any questions regarding the new NPMS
Metadata/Attribute Builder software, please contact NPMS National
Repository staff at npms@dot.gov
or 703-317-6294.
Submit Abandoned Lines Only Once
Once a pipeline is officially abandoned in the NPMS, please do not
include the pipeline in future NPMS submissions. Please note that the
abandoned lines will not appear in your NPMS Account or when you use the
Update Your Submission Online tool.
If you are unsure of which lines are currently abandoned in the NPMS for
your company, please contact the NPMS National Repository staff at npms@dot.gov or 703-317-6294.
Changes to NPMS Submission
On July 31, 2008, an Advisory Bulletin was published in the Federal
Register which describes voluntary changes to NPMS submissions.
Specifically, operators are requested to align their NPMS submission
date with their Annual Report date.
They are also requested to submit to the NPMS using the same Operator ID
number (OPID) as used in their Annual Report to describe the pipeline
View a PDF of the
Advisory Bulletin
Abandoned Pipeline Facilities
NPMS staff are conducting a review of abandoned pipelines that are
offshore or that cross Commercially Navigable Waterways. Part 195.59
(for hazardous liquid operators) and Part 192.727 (for gas transmission
operators) describe the special
documentation required when abandoning these lines. Operators have the
option of reporting either to the NPMS or to PHMSA’s Information
Resources Manager. An excerpt of the regulation appears below.
Abandoned Pipeline Facilities
NPMS staff are conducting a review of abandoned pipelines that are
offshore or that cross Commercially Navigable Waterways. Part 195.59
(for hazardous liquid operators) and Part 192.727 (for gas transmission
operators) describe the special
documentation required when abandoning these lines. Operators have the
option of reporting either to the NPMS or to PHMSA’s Information
Resources Manager. An excerpt of the regulation appears below.
Abandoned Pipeline Facilities
For each abandoned offshore pipeline facility or each abandoned onshore
pipeline facility that crosses over, under or through a commercially
navigable waterway, the last operator of that facility must file a
report upon abandonment of that facility.
The preferred method to submit data on pipeline facilities abandoned
after October 10, 2000 is to the National Pipeline Mapping System (NPMS)
in accordance with the NPMS “Standards for Pipeline and Liquefied
Natural Gas Operator Submissions.”
To obtain a copy of the NPMS Standards, please refer to the NPMS
homepage at NPMS homepage or contact the NPMS
National Repository at 703-317-6294. A digital data format is preferred,
but hard copy submissions are acceptable if they comply
with the NPMS Standards. In addition to the NPMS-required attributes,
operators must submit the date of abandonment, diameter, method of
abandonment, and certification that, to the best of the operator's
knowledge, all of the reasonably available information
requested was provided and, to the best of the operator's knowledge, the
abandonment was completed in accordance with applicable laws. Refer to
the NPMS Standards for details in preparing your data for submission.
The NPMS Standards also include details of how
to submit data.
Alternatively, operators may submit reports by mail, fax or e-mail to
the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, U.S.
Department of Transportation, PHP-10, 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE.,
Washington, DC 20590; fax (202) 366-4566;
e-mail InformationResourcesManager@phmsa.dot.gov . The information in
the report must contain all reasonably available information related to
the facility, including information in the possession of a third party.
The report must contain the location,
size, date, method of abandonment, and a certification that the facility
has been abandoned in accordance with all applicable laws.
NPMS Metadata/Attribute Software
The NPMS Metadata/Attribute software is being updated and is expected to
be released within the next few months. The new software combines both
metadata and attributes into one greatly simplified interface which
requires much less time to complete
than the current interface. The NPMS National Repository will not accept
metadata/attribute submissions with the old software when the new
software is available.
Breakout Tank Submission
Breakout Tank submissions are being expanded to include data in Esri
shapefile and Microsoft Excel formats. The National Repository will
begin accepting these formats by the end of the calendar year.
NPMS Public Map Viewer
The Public Map Viewer was released to the public on April 2, 2007. This
new application allows the general public to view maps of transmission
pipelines, LNG facilities, and breakout tanks one selected county at a
Checkplot Viewer
new tool for reviewing checkplots online was released in October 2006.
The Checkplot Viewer is for operators to use in reviewing their pipeline
and LNG data after it has been processed by National Repository staff.
Commodity Query Added to PIMMA
new query option was added to the Pipeline Integrity Management Mapping
Application (PIMMA) in August 2006. The new query allows users to query
pipelines by commodity type.
Contact Information Updated
The contact information for National Repository staff changed and was
updated on the NPMS site and in the NPMS Operator Standards document in
April 2006.
Pipeline and USA Data Request Procedures
The National Repository will now be in charge of processing all NPMS
data requests. This includes pipeline, breakout tank, LNG facilities,
and USA data. All inquiries should be sent to npms@dot.gov.
NPMS Website Rebuild
The NPMS website was rebuilt April 21, 2005.
Esri Presentation
Members of the NPMS Mapping team will present a paper at the Esri Annual
International User Conference in San Diego, Wednesday July 27, 2005 -
Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration Created
The Research and Special Programs Administration (RSPA) was recently
reorganized. The Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration
(PHMSA) combined with the Office
of Hazardous Materials to form the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials
Safety Administration (PHMSA). The NPMS homepage was changed from
http://www.npms.rspa.dot.gov to NPMS homepage.
Letter to LNG operators
The Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration issued
letters to operators of liquefied natural gas (LNG) facilities in
January 2005. The letters prompted operators to submit LNG data and/or
to update previous submissions.
Update Submissions Online
A new NPMS submission update tool
was released in August of 2004. The tool allows pipeline operators that
have submitted data to the NPMS to update their submissions online.
New York Drinking Water USA Data Released
New York Drinking Water USA data is now available.