Frequently Asked Questions
This FAQ page is continuously updated. Please start here for answers to any questions you have about the NPMS. If you are unable to find what you're looking for here, contact the NPMS National Repository at
Federal government cyber security policies require PHMSA to implement Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) login protocols. MFA is an authentication method that requires the user to provide two or more verification factors to gain access to a web-enabled application. Rather than just asking for a username and password, MFA requires one or more additional verification factors, which decreases the likelihood of a successful cyber attack.

To access NPMS applications, users must now have 2 distinct accounts.

  1. MFA provider account at LOGIN.GOV or MyAccess

    This account handles the AUTHENTICATION that proves you are the actual user.

    • This is the provider most NPMS account holders will use.
    • MyAccess- Only available to US Department of Transportation PIV card holders. This is the required MFA provider for US Department of Transportation PIV card holders.
  2. NPMS account

    This account is the APPROVAL to view NPMS data based on qualifying position.

The emails must match between these 2 distinct accounts to successfully access NPMS applications.

Existing NPMS account holders are those users that have previously accessed NPMS applications with their username and password. Existing NPMS account holders have been setup with the ability to use the LOGIN.GOV or MyAccess using the email associated with your current NPMS account.

New NPMS account requests, please request an NPMS account here and follow the instructions. This is the provider most NPMS account holders will use.

MyAccess- Only available to US Department of Transportation PIV card holders. This is the required MFA provider for US Department of Transportation PIV card holders.

To request a LOGIN.GOV account, please follow the instructions here

For specific help at LOGIN.GOV, please contact:

For DOT specific MyAccess support, please contact:

  • Phone: (202) 385-4357 or (866) 466-5221
  • Email:
Complete the NPMS account request form.
Only local, state, federal or tribal employees (including emergency responders) within the US, or employees of pipeline operating companies who are required to comply with NPMS reporting regulations, can apply for an NPMS account using this form. If you are a consultant/subcontractor working on behalf of a pipeline operator or a federal, tribal, state, or local government agency (including emergency response), you can ask your official pipeline operator or government contact to sponsor you for an NPMS contractor account by submitting an application on your behalf here..

If the error you receive has the NPMS banner at top (see below), please follow the instructions on screen.

For all other errors, please contact your MFA provider for assistance.


For DOT specific MyAccess support, please contact:

  • Phone: (202) 385-4357 or (866) 466-5221
  • Email:

A complete submission to the NPMS consists of five components. Your first step should be to consult the Summary of Required Components page. Next, download the latest version of the NPMS Operator Standards and the NPMS Operator Submission Supplemental Instructions. Everything you need to know about making a submission is contained in these documents. The five components that are required are as follows:

  • Public Contact Information
  • Geospatial Pipeline Data
  • Attribute Data
  • Metadata
  • Transmittal Letter
Contact NPMS staff at for an update on your submission status.
Operators are required to submit their data to the NPMS every 12 months, or to notify the NPMS National Repository if there have been no changes from the previous submission. In order to align NPMS submissions with Annual Reports, operators are required to use the same OPID to report assets to the NPMS as they use in their Annual Report. Operators are also requested to submit their gas pipelines to the NPMS between 1/1 and 3/15 of each year reflecting assets as of 12/31 the previous year and to submit liquid pipelines between 1/1 and 6/15 of each year, reflecting assets as of 12/31 the previous year.
Section 2 of the NPMS Operator Standards defines the pipeline data that is collected for the NPMS.
Operators should evaluate the information they obtain from the NPMS to determine if it is accurate. If operators conclude that changes to HCA boundaries are needed (e.g., populated areas have expanded), then operators should make those changes to the HCAs as they are used in the operators' integrity management programs. Operators should document the reasons for such changes and be prepared to discuss them during PHMSA Pipeline Safety inspections. Operators should not generally inform PHMSA Pipeline Safety of such changes. PHMSA Pipeline Safety relies upon other agencies (e.g., Census Bureau, Corps of Engineers) for the data used in the NPMS and does not have the resources to engage those agencies to make minor changes. An exception in which operators should notify PHMSA Pipeline Safety would be if significant positional or labeling errors are found. As an example, rivers in Alaska were found to be mis-located in early versions of the NPMS due to digitizing errors in the original Commercially Navigable Waterways data set. PHMSA Pipeline Safety will work with other agencies as appropriate to try to correct any major deficiencies in the NPMS. Operators should contact their PHMSA Pipeline Safety Region representatives if they identify errors of this nature.