About Operator Submission And Validation Environment (OSAVE)

OSAVE is a one-stop shop designed specifically to assist pipeline facility operators with the review of their NPMS data, access to their NPMS pipeline submission history, submittal of pipeline updated contact information, and fulfillment of the annual NPMS submission requirement.


The Operator Submission And Validation Environment (OSAVE) is a web-based application designed to assist pipeline facility operators (operators) with NPMS reporting requirement activities for:

  • gas transmission and hazardous liquid pipelines,
  • liquefied natural gas plants, and
  • breakout tanks

under Department of Transportation (DOT) Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) jurisdiction.

Operators are required by PHMSA to review their NPMS data annually for accuracy. OSAVE aids operators in the annual review process with tools, queries, and methods to notify NPMS staff that the data is still accurate or fulfill the annual NPMS submission requirement in the event that changes have occurred. This application is not intended for anyone other than operators subject to NPMS reporting requirements.

Operators should use their NPMS account to access OSAVE. Once logged in, the OPIDs to which the user has access are listed in a drop-down list. If an OPID is missing from the list in OSAVE, operators should email npms@dot.gov requesting that it be added to their NPMS account. Sharing of NPMS accounts between individuals is expressly prohibited by multifactor authentication (MFA) protocols and in the NPMS Access Policy. A contractor (e.g., consultant, subcontractor) cannot request an NPMS account. However, a current NPMS account holder may act as a sponsor and request an NPMS contractor account on their contractor’s behalf. A sponsor NPMS account holder must verify the individual is currently employed as a contractor by their pipeline operating company, and that the contractor should have access to the same NPMS data and applications as the sponsor. This sponsor must provide this verification by filling out the following form, including all the requested information about the contractor, before NPMS staff will process the NPMS contractor account request. Otherwise, NPMS contractor accounts must meet the same requirements as other NPMS accounts, including an official pipeline operator business email address. The NPMS GIS Manager can consider exceptions on a case-by-case basis if applicable contract staff will never have an official pipeline operating company email address. NPMS contractor accounts can access the same NPMS data and functionality in OSAVE as the sponsor NPMS account holder.

The operator may only review data that the company has previously submitted to the NPMS. If the company operates and submits data to the NPMS under more than one OPID, the operator may only review/submit data for one of the OPIDs during a single OSAVE session. The OPID that the data was submitted under must belong to the operating company and must be associated with the operator’s NPMS account.

The OSAVE map viewer is intended to be used at any time throughout the year and allows operators to view the spatial location and attribute information of the OPID’s pipelines, LNG plants, and breakout tanks. However, the Data Summary tools only reflect the pipelines in the NPMS national layer for the corresponding OPID. The display of submission history reflects only the pipeline submissions. To review LNG plant or breakout tank data, operators may use either OSAVE or PIMMA, as both applications have the same functionality regarding these data layers.

The OSAVE workflow submission tools are categorized by asset type. Pipeline related tools contain submission workflows for notification of no changes, edits via a map viewer, additions to existing data in place of a traditional submission, traditional submissions replacing all existing data, and notification/request for removal of all pipelines. LNG plant related tools contain a submission workflow for uploading of submission data files only. Breakout tank related tools contain a submission workflow for uploading of submission data files only. For LNG plant and breakout tank OPIDS, OSAVE cannot be used to submit a notification of no changes, submit a notification/request for removal, or change contact information. If it is determined that the LNG plant and/or breakout tank data is accurate as is and, therefore, needs no changes, please notify NPMS staff at npms@dot.gov in lieu of a traditional data submission. If the existing NPMS national layer data for the LNG plant or breakout tank OPID needs to be removed, please notify NPMS staff at npms@dot.gov. If at any time throughout the year the LNG plant primary and/or technical contact has changed or the breakout tank primary contact has changed, please notify NPMS staff via npms@dot.gov.

For a detailed explanation of OSAVE, please refer to the NPMS Operator Submission Supplemental Instructions and the OSAVE User Guide. For ‘how to’ examples, refer to our instructional videos by topic:

All information obtained and all maps produced from OSAVE must be treated and marked as Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) and DOT proprietary information. Only NPMS staff has the right to redistribute maps or information from the NPMS.