NPMS Sponsor Request
Complete this form if you are a pipeline operator or government NPMS account holder
and wish to sponsor access to NPMS applications for your applicable contract staff. If
approved, your contractor will receive an NPMS contractor account with the same
NPMS data access, permissions, and user agreement as your NPMS account.
Applicable contract staff include the following:
Government Contractor: personnel supporting a contract or service
agreement administered by government officials. The contract or agreement
must be current and include a confidentiality agreement or language limiting
the use of government information or systems to activities required to support
the contract or service agreement.
Operator Contractor: personnel supporting a contract administered by NPMS pipeline operators to provide NPMS reporting services.
By sponsoring access for your contract staff you agree to the following:
My contractor has valid agreements in place with my employer to perform duties that require access to NPMS data or applications.
I will send an email to and request removal of this contractor's
access if the terms of their contract change, end or to ensure their NPMS access
does not exceed the length or requirements of the contract.
I assume responsibility for ensuring the contractor upholds the terms in the NPMS User Agreement.
If you do not have an active NPMS account yourself, click here to start your NPMS account request.
If you wish to sponsor NPMS access for your contract staff in accordance with the terms
above, please gather the following information about your contractor and then enter
your information in the form below.
Contractor's full name, title, business phone number and business mailing address
Official government/pipeline operator company email address assigned to your contractor.
If your employer will never provide an official email to your contract staff send an email to before proceeding.
Contract end date
This date must be within the next 12 months. When applicable, additional NPMS Sponsor actions will be possible to extend this term.
All fields marked with a
must be filled out before submitting the form.
NPMS contains sensitive pipeline critical infrastructure information.
To help ensure the data remains secure and your personal information is protected,
NPMS uses Multi-factor Authentication (MFA).
MFA is an authentication method that requires the user to provide two or more
verification factors to gain access to a resource such as NPMS. Rather than just asking
for a username and password, MFA requires one or more additional verification factors,
which decreases the likelihood of a successful cyber attack.
In order to access NPMS, your contractor will need to have a login account with an
approved MFA provider using the business contact email you entered earlier.
NOTE: Your contractor's email of record for their NPMS account will be setup for MFA
authentication on NPMS applications and must reflect their status as a contractor of a
government agency, tribal government, or a pipeline operator, unless you received
written approval for an exception.
Authentication Provider
Select which MFA provider you will be using to access NPMS:
Select which MFA provider your contractor will be using to access NPMS:
Please have your contractor register at LOGIN.GOV using this email. Click
here to learn more. If the NPMS contractor account is
approved, MFA authentication through this provider will be setup using this email.
This is the username or email address that must be associated with your contractor's MFA account:
Please provide your DOT email address under Contact Info page
User Agreement
As the NPMS Account Sponsor who verified this contractor's applicability for an NPMS contractor account I confirm the following::
- I understand my responsibility for ensuring the contractor has valid agreements in place to qualify for an NPMS contract account.
- I will send an email to and request removal of this contractor's access if the
terms of their contract change, end or to ensure their NPMS access does not exceed the length or
requirements of the contract.
- I assume responsibility for ensuring the contractor upholds the terms in the NPMS User Agreement.
NPMS User Agreement
The Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration has developed the Pipeline Information
Management Mapping Application (PIMMA) for use by NPMS pipeline operators and federal, tribal,
state, and local government officials, including emergency responders and government or pipeline
operator contract staff. The application contains sensitive pipeline critical infrastructure information
that is Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI). PIMMA is intended to be used solely by the person
who is given access by the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration. Do not share
your username and password with other persons either within or outside of your organization. If another
person expresses interest in using PIMMA, please have them contact the Pipeline and Hazardous
Materials Safety Administration directly to obtain access. The Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety
Administration monitors user activity and reserves the right to remove individual access rights. To access
PIMMA, you must agree to the following:
- I understand that the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration's Pipeline Information Management Mapping Application (PIMMA) contains sensitive information.
- I agree that it will be marked and treated as DOT proprietary information and Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI).
- I agree to not redistribute information or maps derived from PIMMA.
- I agree to refer requests for PIMMA access to the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration.
- I agree to not share my username and password or MFA credentials with other individuals.
- I understand that the HCA data provided by PHMSA and displayed in PIMMA is for informational
purposes only and the data needs to be verified with the organizations which produce the data.
Click the checkbox below if you agree to the terms and conditions outlined herein.